Corps - Esprit
Craniosacral Therapy
"Without knowing anything about craniosacral or shiatsu, I went to Eva for treatment on the recommendation of a friend because I was suffering from terrible endometriosis pain and infertility. What I experienced was quite amazing. Eva has a gentle openness to her; with the most subtle touch and soothing voice she manages to accurately track and relieve areas of imbalance or pain. Time disappears with the flow of a session. She provides me with visualizations and deep questions in the form of philosophical, natural metaphors that truly cause me experience my body differently, and ultimately, to overwrite past memory-patterns of pain and inflammation.
When I was pregnant -- which I absolutely believe was possible because of Eva's help! -- I went to her for treatment for my achy and quickly widening hips. Nothing else helped bring relief. She understands anatomy and how to apply just the right touch or movement to bring balance back to the body, and provided me with information and other references that helped me understand even more about my body and health. Her modesty belies her tremendous wealth of factual knowledge, wise insight, as well as a profoundly artistic, soulful, compassionate, curious and open, inspiring manner."
Vered, NY, USA
Craniosacral Therapy
"Je vous ai rencontrée, par le conseil d une amie, pour un soin en Cranio sacré. Un soin que je ne connaissais pas.
J avais vraiment une grande souffrance au niveau de l épaule droite ,plus la cheville gauche.
Pendant le soin d’une extrême douceur, je me suis tout d abord détendue et j ai accepté un processus différent de ce que je connaissais. Profonde relaxation des viscères, du mental, et du reste du corps.
La séance terminée je me suis demandée ce qui c etait passé car beaucoup de douceur dans le soin et cependant un changement dans mon corps …..pratiquement plus de tensions aux endroits douloureux, et au fur et à mesure de la journée mon corps était délivré de toutes douleurs.
Je me suis dit qu’il était intéressant d expérimenter d autres techniques, de faire confiance et s apercevoir que l attention portée et le travail tout en finesse était d une puissance
incroyable, car le résultat était là, plus de douleurs.
Un grand merci pour ce travail de l écoute du corps et de l énergie de la personne par une technique non invasive afin de soulager, voir d éradiquer la douleur.
Une thérapeute, un soin à découvrir."
Juliette, Martres Tolosane, France
Craniosacral Therapy
"I started seeing Eva in 2014 following the death of my father and while my mother was ill and dying. I was referred to her by an organization she volunteered with to offer craniosacral healing therapy to individuals in crisis and grief. In my first session with Eva, her gentle, intuitive, and deeply healing work opened up my mind and body to an entirely new understanding of the relationship between my emotional and physical health.
Working with Eva is a very holistic experience. The healing I experience in our sessions ripples across my mind, my body, and my emotions. And this work has been so illuminating about the connection between the physical pain and discomfort in my body to the emotional pain. For example, I was experiencing pain around my chest/heart area and through my work with Eva, learned how that pain had a lot to do with my grief over my parents’ illnesses and death. With Eva’s guidance, I was able to discover, explore, and move that energy to create releases that at times, felt that they healed not only recently grief, but age old emotional pain that began in my youth.
It’s hard to articulate the depth of the healing and opening impact that our sessions have had on me during such a strong and intense period of my life. I have found that the level of trust and comfort that has grown in my relationship to Eva has been so critical to my ability to go deep into my healing work which has only deepened its impact and sustainability."
Nita, NY, USA
Craniosacral Therapy
"I was recommended to Eva from my acupuncturist who I had begun seeing concerning my post-concussive syndrome, which had been affecting me for almost two years. To say the least, it was a huge issue in my life and the medication that a neurologist had put me on was not actually healing me and we had recently decided to stop that route of treatment.
I was familiar with craniosacral, but hadn't had any formal treatments until I met with Eva, whom I trusted immediately. Her presence is calming and she is a true healer who is ready and open to meet you wherever you are in your life. In our short time together, we made major strides towards dismantling the way that the concussion had embedded itself into my body and psyche. It was transformative in every way—both physically comforting while also reaching into a mysterious energetic world in ways that I hadn't expected.
I credit our work together as a major step in my concussion recovery—truly, without Eva, I would still be stuck in a major fog and riddled with headaches and neck pain. I know that if we had been able to continue working together, we would only have continued to make leaps and bounds not only with the concussion, but in general, further balance my mind, body, and soul. I am eternally grateful for the time that we had and hope that I can receive more treatments from her in the future."
Craniosacral Therapy
“I came to Eva with severe neck and jaw pain due to several different dental traumas and needed help getting back in alignment. After our first visit a significant amount of the pain had diminished along with a headache I had had for a week. I was amazed by Eva’s ability to read, shift and accompany my body's healing process like I had never experienced before. She truly has a gift and I am so honored I was able to work with her as my body finally feels free of pain and tension. I highly recommend Eva to anyone in need of re-balancing their body or their lives.”
Paige, NY, USA
Craniosacral Therapy
"Eva is a gentle and competent practitioner, skilled in her field and in patient interaction. In addition, Eva is extremely empathetic, intuitive and compassionate. She creates a warm and loving space wherever she practices, and has made me feel comfortable to open up and discover things about myself that I hadn't known before. At the end of each session I feel elated and light, as if some weight has been lifted. With Eva's therapy, I am making steady progress in my journey of personal healing, and I highly recommend her to anyone on the same path."
Marina, NY, USA
Craniosacral Therapy
"I've been fortunate to see Eva on a semi-regular basis for a few years now, and I know that she has been instrumental in my continued health and well-being. Eva's gentle and knowledgeable approach to body work allows me to feel completely cared for and her thoughtful intuition responding to the needs of my body has facilitated a deeper awareness of my own. I am certain seeing her has been a vital tool in negotiating physical and emotional manifestations of stress and change in my life. She has seen me through a lot of evolution and I'm confident she has been a huge part of my ability to adapt and continue on a healthy, positive path."
"I have been on a healing path for the past 25 years exploring different modalities such as CBT, DBT, ceremonial work, and cranial sacral therapy. Working with Eva, I am getting access to deeper parts of myself. Her approach is honest, patient, and careful. I am able to be real with her about what comes up for me and she has been able to hold a wide and caring space to process some very uncomfortable feelings. Eva has a gentle, steady, kind presence that helped me to feel safe to explore some deep core wounds and get a clearer understanding of myself. I am grateful for her !"
Dawn, USA
Craniosacral Therapy
"Eva is a masterful healer. Her deep and comprehensive skills and knowledge-base coupled with her gentle, grounded, empathic nature are truly one-of-a-kind. She helped me tremendously as I went through a complex health journey for chronic conditions. She is a gem and I cant recommend her enough! "
Leigh, NY, USA
« Pendant deux années, Eva a été bénévole au sein de notre association. Elle a offert des soins somatiques à des personnes accompagnées par le Mouvement du Nid et à l’équipe en place de manière très régulière.
Les personnes accompagnées sont les survivantes d’un continuum de violences sexuelles graves, dont les traces peuvent être physiques, psychiques, corporelles.
Les séances permettant une relaxation intense, un mieux-être, Eva a su apporter un soutien et une autre perspective de prise en charge des violences vécues. Les séances ont ainsi fait partie d’un tout : un accompagnement global de la personne selon son rythme et ses choix pour affronter, dénouer, reconstruire, comprendre ce qui a été abîmé, ce qui a été modifié. Ces moments de calme profond et de soins corporels adaptés ont permis aux personnes de se concentrer le temps d’une séance sur elles et sur le présent. Ils ont participé à la préparation à des passages difficiles et/ou importants tels que des procès, des demandes d’asile, des demandes de protection, des grossesses.
Eva permet au corps d’être écouté et de trouver un interlocuteur.
Plus que des soins, elle a apporté à la structure une présence réconfortante, englobante ajustant sa pratique aux personnes qui se présentaient à elle avec un souci d’instauration d’une confiance, d’écoute et de mises en lien. La mise en dialogue avec les intervenantes de la structure (intervenante sociale, psychologue, volontaires, stagiaires) a autorisé chacun à augmenter sa pratique avec de nouveaux outils qui sont les siens. »
Alexandra, Paris, France
"Working with Eva has been transformative - I was able to dialogue concurrently with different parts of myself in a very safe and nurturing environment.
I was able to access and gain information from different parts of my body and concurrently have a dialogue with Eva about what I was feeling, sensing and experiencing at that very moment.
The Hakomi method and Eva's amazing guidance has given me a deeper understanding of how much valuable information my body has regarding my life and past experiences. Through gentleness and my courage to go to the unknown I have been peeking into my emotional existence and slowly discovering what is there. "
Boshko, NY, USA
"Eva est la première thérapeute avec qui je me sens entièrement en sécurité, respectée et pas jugée.
Par conséquent, je peux vraiment exprimer toutes mes parts et surtout celles dont je suis honteuse et que j’aimerais cacher à l’autre.
Eva encourage l’expression du vécu sensoriel, le langage du corps, et pour cela elle invite à ralentir.
Son approche de la pleine conscience soutient cette démarche qui permet de visiter les endroits sombres tout en se respectant.
J’observe et je ressens mon évolution, les prises de consciences et j’arrive enfin à entrer en lien avec la petite fille afin de la soulager des traumas vécus.
Enfin, Eva a cette rare qualité de présence où je sens que j'ai toute son attention sans jugement.
Je retrouve l’alliance parfaite entre l’esprit et le corps sans laquelle les transformations profondes ne peuvent pas s’opérer. "
Kate, Montpellier, France
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